September 23, 2016

Liver Transplant in India
Liver Transplant in India: Cost, Statistics & Rules
Liver transplants are being conducted since decades now and have always proven to be the best way to treat cirrhosis, cancer, etc. The success rates are getting only more optimistic, taking liver transplants the way ahead.
A lot of patients die every day around the world either because they don’t find a donor or because they don’t have the financial capability to get treated. This is a sad truth, specially because there are a lot of other options that can be utilized, like getting treated in a market that is less costly, for example, India. The cost of liver transplantation in India is one twentieth when compared to USA and several European countries.
As far as the medical infrastructure is concerned, India has several leading hospitals and leading institutes which patients can choose from. Dr Soin, India’s best liver transplant surgeon, has done more than 1000 transplants alone. He has also done the second highest liver transplants in the world. With doctors like these, there can be little doubt that India is a leading medical tourism destination for liver transplants.
Post surgery care, which requires hospitalization at least up to a week, can be cheaper in a market like India. It can also be better, since India is known as the center of healing, spiritual and otherwise. Here are few more facts that you should know if you’re considering getting operated in India.
- The donor operation carries complication rate of 10-15%.
- The recipient is successful in 90-95%.
- The donation is done without any coercion.
- There is no financial gain related to donation.
- The donor has the right to withdraw at any time, without giving reasons.
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